Cesar Torres-Mendez

Cesar Torres-Mendez became aware of the transformative effects of music at a very early age. Going to a school without a music program Cesar taught himself guitar through the use of the internet and YouTube. In high school he started to consider a career in music. Cesar comes from an immigrant family and is the first person in his family to attend college. At Citrus Community College he started his first official music program. Three years later he was able to transfer to Fullerton State University where he came under the guidance of Martha Masters and continues now with Douglas Lora.

Attending CSFU has allowed him to work with such guitar luminaries as Andrew York, Xavier Jara, Martha Masters, Bokyung Byun and Douglas Lora. Matha calls him” wildly intelligent, and an obsessively hard worker”.

With much gratitude Cesar says of his teachers, “Their knowledge as performers and kindness as persons emboldens my ambition to one day become an artist and teacher of similar fortitude and generosity”.

Cesar is a kind, intelligent, and driven individual and is currently working on a Master’s Degree at Fullerton State University, which he will complete in the fall of 2024.


Alex Bernal Castillo