About Us
How we work
GiftedGuitars receives donations from generous donors around the world. We use these donations to commission and purchase a Luthier made guitar and then gift that guitar to an artist in need.
The goal of GiftedGuitar is encapsulated by its Motto : “Changing Lives One Guitar at a Time.”
Why we do what we do
GiftedGuitar’s goal is to support up and coming talent and give individuals the opportunity to own a guitar that fits their needs. By creating a tiered structure Gifted Guitar can extend donor funds to more individuals and affect a greater community of players.
Watch this video to see why we, and so many others, see importance in gifting amazing instruments to amazing artists.
Non Profit Status
GiftedGuitar is a fiscally sponsored project of MarinLink, a California nonprofit corporation exempt from federal tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service #20-0879422.